HP Velo E-Mirror


Matt’s Notes:

Mirrors on trike are finicky.  The vibrations on the road constantly loosen them, and they never seem to reflect enough to give you a good view of what’s behind you.  These, on the other hand, give you a great view.  I use them constantly!  They take a little getting used to for adjusting, but in the end, I am glad I have them.  They have saved me on a number of occasions.

The HP Velotechnik E-mirror is a wide-angle mirror that is placed on the kingpins. Putting it further forward allows for greater visibility, and the wide-angle lense improves it even more! The short stem mirrors are designed for trikes with a flat-fold system (e.g., Scorpion FS26 and Plus). The long stem mirrors are designed for trikes other trikes where the mirror will not interfere with the rear wheel when folding (e.g., Gekko Fx, Fx26, Scorpion FS20).

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