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Traveling The World,  Sharing It All With You.  JaYoe!

Check out my videos

Traveling From China to USA

A winding journey thru over a hundred countries.

Having Amazing Adventures

Accomplishing bucket list items along the way.

Recording the Journey

Sharing it all on YouTube, giving you an inside look.

A Long Road Ahead

A journey years in the making, with many more ahead.

Matt, a Guy With Big Dreams, Looking To Explore The World In A Unique Way.

Hi, Matt here. Welcome to my JaYoe journey! This project and lifestyle is the culmination of years of planning, lots of ups and downs, but I would not have it any other way. I've worked hard to get here, and look forward to continuing down the road.

More About Me

Become Part Of My Journey

I have personally edited over 1,500 videos on my youtube channel and I’m adding more all the time.  Over a million subscribers to my channels watch my videos about life on the road, cycling stories, people and places I interact with and personal stories.  I try to share a complete picture of myself as a traveler, all captured in video produced by me on a regular basis.

Why am i traveling around the world? 9:15

This video explains why I decided to travel for so long… and at such a slow pace. I made this video for a film festival, just after completing my journey of Japan and Korea.

Cycle Travel Stories:  Mr. Kendo 16:41

Most of my videos follow the stories of me as I am riding from place to place.  This was an amazing episode in North Japan, when I had a surprise encounter on the side of the road.

Big Adventures:  The Largest Cave In the World 18:31

Along my journey I stop and have amazing adventures to check off my bucket list.  A Mount Everest Expedition, marathons in North Korea and a tour of Son Doong Cave in Vietnam, the largest in the world.

Amazing Views:  Taiwan Drone Tour 1:04:49

An hour long 4K video of the best drone segments as I cycled around Taiwan.  I have lots of drone flights in my regular travel epsidoes, but this one is all the best shots.

These are just a few of my favorites, but go to my video section to see all my espisodes organized for your viewing pleasure.

Go to the full video section

From Three Wheels to Four, ready to explore!

I am back in America, building a fully equipped off-grid vanlife van to complete my journey. The Pandemic forced me to reevaluate, so I will reverse my original planned route, journeying from the top of Alaska down towards the tip of South America, before working my way up thru Africa, Europe, and Asia. Along the way, I will make videos, podcasts, and vlog content about the people, places and events I encounter.

Follow My Ride

Follow my videos and path on my interactive journey map

go to my map

Help Support the tour

This is my career and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

Friends of the Tour