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A JaYoe Nation Series

Cycling South Korea

Follow the adventure as I make my way from the port of Liangyungang, China to Incheon. Cycling from north to south, west to east to Busan on the seat of my recumbent trike, camera in hand all the way. I did a little camping, met some interesting people, flew over some amazing natural beauty and had a truly memorable experience. From there I took a ferry to Jeju Island and rode around the tropical volcanic paradise. It’s all been caught on video, so that day by day, moment by moment, you can enjoy ride along with me.


South Korea Playlist

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Help Support the tour

This is my carrer and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

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