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My Recumbent Trike

A once in a lifetime journey on a one in a million ride.

The Basics

Define: What is a Recumbent Trike?

A recumbent trike is a three wheel cycle with a wide seat that has a back support and is positioned so that the rider’s legs are extended horizontally forward to the pedals and the body is reclined.  Recumbent trikes come in two of different forms.  Delta trikes have one wheel in the front and two wheels in the back and tadpole style have two wheels out in front and a single wheel in the back.  I ride a tadpole trike on my world tour. 

Recumbent trikes can come in pedal powered and electric, and have a huge amount of accessories you can choose from to customize and personalize.  Base models typically have 20 inch wheels in the front and rear, with alternate forms with 26 inch or equivalent on the rear and sometimes even all three wheels at 26 inch.

Touring with a Recumbent trike.

The upsides of trike touring.

A trike is like a comfortable lawn chair on wheels.  You never have a sore butt, back, neck or shoulders, and without that pain you can focus your attention on your surroundings and interacting with the world instead.  Another plus lies with the fact that many people rarely, if ever, see a trike in their life.  This encourages engagement with the locals.  People that might never talk to a person riding an upright bike find the trike irresistible.  For a social person like myself, its a perfect scenario.

Recumbent Trike Porn

This is my favorite video of the trike.  I compiled all the best drone footage of my ride around Taiwan.  It’s long, it’s beautiuful and it really helps to explain why I love the recumbent trike.

Anatomy of a Recumbent Trike

These are the main base components that make up the “Tiger Duck”.  The Tiger Duck was the name given to my trike by the crew at HP Velotechnik in Germany when they were building it.  See what I have doen to my trike to make it road worthy for a world tour adventure.

tiger duck recumbent trike
The front gearing system: A Schlumph Mountain Drive with a 60 tooth ring. This ring has an engaged down ratio of 2.5. This means that when engaged it goes from a 60 tooth to a 24 tooth simulated ring. No derailer, no moving of the chain.
Extra-wide red catalyst pedals from pedaling innovations ensure that my feett don’t cramp or become too uncomfortable.
A SON HUB Dynamo on my right front tire allows for the ability to have on the road power and provides a constant charge to my front and rear lights.
Tubes and tires from Schwalbe make sure I have the best rubber to meet the road. My 20 x 1.75 47-406 Marathon Plus tires come reinforced with a kevlar layer to resist puncture.
A Chain Idler Kit from Terracycle manages my chain as it stretches from the crank to the rear hub.
Formed fenders from HP Velotechnik mounted on metal support brackets keep the mud flying to a minimum and look great too!
Two stand up assist bars to help me get in and out of the seat. They also act as a foundation for gadgets that keep me informed and navigate on the road Thirdly, they act as legs to support the trike when I need to work on the underside and flip it over.
Speaker/Beverage Cage: A cage to hold a drink or my JBL Flip 4 Bluetooth speaker to play tuned, podcasts or audiobooks on the road.
Garmin Edge 1030 ride computer to calculate the speed, direction, distance and path I take every day. Mounted right where I can see it.
Two well-placed side view mirrors help me to be aware of what is behind me at any moment, without taking my eyes off the road.
Shifting, braking and steering can all be done on the right-side handle grip, and each bar end supports a comfortable padded wrist rest to allow my arms to rest comfortably while riding.
An ergo mesh padded seat allows for ventilation, fast drying and a comfortable position during endless days of sweaty riding. The cover was sewn just for me by a friend of the JaYoe Nation.
High Vis Ultimate 6 Ortlieb handlebar bags on the left and right side of my seat allow easy access to my daily items during my ride. Drones, Cameras, Batteries, Food, and other items are right at my fingertips.
A 100/14 Rohloff Internal Speedhub allows a wide range of internal gearing options in a sealed, german engineered unit.
Custom yellow Ortlieb recumbent bags mount on my luggage rack and allow for maximum capacity and 100% waterproof riding. Duffel style and extremely robust.
100% waterproof Ortlieb Travel Biker suitcase-style trunk case fits above my luggage rack and holds my backpack and computer when I am riding. When I finish my ride the backpack comes out and is replaced with my 2 handlebar bags for a perfect fit.
My Bontrager helmet…. I don’t use it much but it is there in case. I’m going to try to use it more… Promise!
My medium side rear terracycle flag, alerting people on the road that I am coming! These flags are sold at and proceeds go to support my tour!
Large custom Terra Cycle flag rides high above the road to alert others that I’m coming! This flag was made especially for me on the tour to not only attract attention but also to inform about JaYoe! Thanks Terra Cycle!
Both front-wheel assemblies are fully suspended, allowing for a smooth, carefree ride.
Front SRP Spyke disc brakes provide maximum stopping power when I need it! Both front wheels brake simultaneously from the single brake lever on the right side.
The rear assembly is fully suspended as well, supported by a shock absorber and spring to allow for a comfortable ride and minimal shaking and jostling for my gear.
The German-made HP Velotechink Scorpion 20fs Recumbent Trike, fully equipt to take me around the world from China to the USA!
Soft headrest and bracket make the area behind my head not only comfortable but useful for holding my speaker or a drink on the road!
My first invention that got me started as an entreprenuer, the Antenna Acrobat, adornes my spokes.

My Drive Train Stats


Three 20inch x 1.75 (47-406) Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires.


A Schlumph Mountain Drive with a 60T chainring unengaged.  When engaged the drive simulates a 2.5 gear reduction. (from 60T to 24T)


Rohloff Internal Speedhub 14/100 with a 16T cog.  526% Gear range on its own.

Combined Gear Range!

My Gear Ratios

Rohloff Speedhub 60T Mountain Drve
Gear Ratio unengaged engaged
1st 0.28 20.41 8.16
2nd 0.32 23.32 9.33
3rd 0.36 26.24 10.49
4th 0.41 29.88 11.95
5th 0.46 33.52 13.41
6th 0.53 38.63 15.45
7th 0.6 43.73 17.49
8th 0.68 49.56 19.82
9th 0.77 56.12 22.45
10th 0.88 64.13 25.65
11th 1 72.88 29.15
12th 1.14 83.08 33.23
13th 1.29 94.01 37.61
14th 1.47 107.13 42.85

Cycling specific Series

Videos that revolve around the trike.

Help Support the tour

This is my carrer and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

Friends of the Tour