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A Quick Guide

An Incredible Route Around the Globe

Where I’ve been, where I am going and what I have done can all be found on this cool interactive map.  I worked hard on this to find the most comprehensive and unique way to show you about my journey, so I hope you like it.

Full Screen Map
line color

Line Color and Meaning

Each line on the map tells a story of my tour.  They are defined by their color.

Green Line Main Current Route Plan
Blue Lines Water Crossings
Red Lines Busses, Taxis or Other Rides.
Brown Lines Flights
Purple Lines Tour / Adventures
Orange Line JaYoe Tour 1.0 (2014)
Dark Blue Line JaYoe Tour 2.0 (2015)
Route Accuracy

A Close As Possible

The lines have been hand traced on the approximate path I have ridden and plan to take around the world using all my available data.  I tried as much as I could to pinpoint the exact path, but some roads I could not find when tracing, so I would have to say the map is about 99% accurate.

Point Clouds Tell The Story

Video or Image

Each point has an image or video recorded at that point. You can view them in the point cloud directly or follow the link to YouTube.

Date and description

The date I passed thru the point and a brief description of my impressions at that place are written next to the image or video clip.

Point Meaning

Each point's color and shape tell a story. Easily find sections and interesting elements inside the map by looking at the points themselves.

Present Location

Trip Beginning

JaYoe Moment (Off-Tour)

Current Tour (JaYoe 3.0)

JaYoe 2.0 (2015)

JaYoe 1.0 (2014)

Notable Moment



Gear Videos

Mountain Expeditions

Son Doong Cave Expedition

Water Crossing

Vlogger 1on1

Hostel Territory

Extended Ride

Help Support the tour

This is my carrer and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

Friends of the Tour