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Lifestyle Accessories

Gear that keeps me warm, dry and organized


Recording My Life

See the equipment I use to make my videos.


Trike Gear

What's on my ride?



Support the tour with JaYoe Apparel

Help me Journey the world, and look Good doing it!


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Cycling Gear

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Tour Life Gear

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Vlogging Gear

Check it Out

All purchases here help the JaYoe World Tour.

Every item on this site helps me in some way.  The apparel items were all designed by me and are fulfilled by a company that helps travelers and artist.  The other products are all linked to Amazon stores or affiliates that help give me a percentage of every sale.

I use Printful.  Printful is a POD (Print On Demand) service.  These services help artists and people who do not have the ability to logisitcally handle merch.  They take your design, professionally apply it to a series of high quality products, and then deliver it to the customer for you.

For any items on this page that direct you to another offsite store like Amazon, the link that took you there lets the seller know I sent you.  In return, they give me a percentage of the sale!  It’s a win-win-win for you, me and the seller.  Isn’t that perfect!?

Help Support the tour in other ways.

This is my carrer and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

Friends of the Tour