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A lifestyle journey around the world on a recumbent trike.


A journey unlike any other.

Satiating a desire for travel, covering as much ground as possible, riding a unique machine while having life-altering adventures. That is what the JaYoe World Tour is all about.

Starting from China, ending in north america, zig-zagging all the way.

When I first built the general path for a tour around the world, I used my bucket list as a guide. Places where I could accomplish and check off bucket list items were connected together and zig zagged around the globe.

Full screen map

Life becomes the adventure.

The initial idea was to find an interesting way to return back to USA from China. But as with many things in life, it began taking on a life of its own. It became more than a tour, it became a mission in life. It became a lifestyle journey.

Every day on tour I awake with a new mission, a new adventure, a new purpose.

Tour Details

The JaYoe Tour consists of a long route connecting China to the USA via a serendipitous path that connects my bucket list items together around the world.  I was not concerned with making it straight or direct.  It’s meant to become a lifestyle.

Leaving Ningbo and headed North I rode Korea, Japan, Taiwan and then returned to Mainland China heading south.  From there I wind my way south thru Southeast Asia down down down all the way to Austrailia and then New Zealand.  Once I finish cycling New Zealand I have to figure out how to reconnect with Thailand and continue heading west towards Europe.  I am not 100% sure how I am going to do that, but I would like to bounce around Palau, Malaysia and if possible visit the elusive and beautiful Brunei.  Once I am back on the asian continent I will head from Chiang Mai west, zig zagging all the way to the northern reaches of Norway, before turning south. 

My plan is to cycle from the top of Norway to the southern tip of South Africa, where I will have to find a way to get to the southern tip of South America.  From there I will take a short trip to Antarctica and return to South America to start my American leg of the tour.  Winding north, back and forth, I will make my way towards Central America and then into the USA.  Up the east coast and into Canada, then back into the states headed west until I reach the west coast.  In Los Angeles I will turn northward to Alaska thru Canada again to reach my supposed final destination of Anchorage.  This plan is still rough, and as I reach countries and cities I have the freedom to adjust based on dangers and opportunities that arise. 

But if you are going to dream… you might as well dream big.

My Bucket List

My bucket list informs much of the tour.  Where I am going and why I am going there.  I wrote it in 2013 and forced myself to make it 100 items long.  You should try it… it is not as easy as you think!  Below is my original 2013 bucket list.  Some of the items have already been completed and some other ones have become less important than when I first wrote them.  That’s how life works, you evolve over time and become a better person.  I’m looking forward to knocking off more next year!

  • Climb Mount Everest
  • Son Doong Cave Expedition
  • Draw attention global issues
  • Ride around the world
  • Visit over 100 countries
  • Save 10 lives
  • Create a successful global business
  • Create my own video series
  • Spread a message of hope
  • Meditate for a week with real monks
  • Wingsuit jump (Swiss Alps)
  • Become sky dive certified
  • Ski from a helicopter
  • Cross the Saudi Desert
  • Reach Antarctica
  • See a wild polar bear
  • Hike the Application Trail
  • Base jump into the Cave Of Swallows in Mexico
  • White water raft in Zambia
  • Cross the Amazon
  • Visit Machu Picchu
  • Swim with great white sharks
  • Trek and visit gorillas in Africa
  • Aid in a natural disaster
  • Fly in a fighter jet
  • Run with the bulls in Madrid
  • Cross the Pacific on boat
  • Swim in the Dead Sea
  • Safari in Africa
  • Work in an orphanage
  • Write a book
  • Do a natural body cleans
  • Learn muay tai
  • Learn to speak 10 languages
  • Herd cattle from horseback
  • Learn tai-chi
  • Swim with a blue whale
  • Work on a commercial crabbing boat.
  • Swim inside a large bait ball
  • Never stop meeting amazing people.
  • Visit Istanbul
  • Cycle around Iceland
  • See inside an active Volcano
  • Visit the Maldives
  • Backpack in new Zealand
  • Bungee jump from the Macau Tower 
  • Play 10 instruments from around the world
  • Cook ethnic foods from all over the world.
  • Eat strange and most amazing dishes
  • Drive across America on a Harley Davidson
  • Ride a camel
  • Hunt with a spear
  • Survive in the jungle alone
  • Get a picture I took in National Geographic
  • Guest on Joe Rogan Podcast
  • Meet Tony Robbins
  • Find strangers wearing my brand other countries
  • See Madagascar
  • Visit Stonehenge
  • Produce a successful foreign TV show
  • Visit all the countries in Europe
  • Change someone’s racist view
  • Visit Iran
  • Enter Israel
  • See a war torn country with my own eyes
  • Circumvent Sri Lanka
  • Hold my weight steady under 90kg
  • Free Dive 30 meters
  • Swim with a pod of wild dolphins
  • Make friends in 100 countries
  • Swim in Iceland.  Without a body suit
  • Swim in an underground lake
  • White water raft
  • Get breath taken away once every month
  • Walk into the coliseum in Rome
  • Run a race on the great wall of china.
  • Visit the great pyramids in Giza
  • Visit the Taj Mahal in India
  • Visit the site of the crucifixion
  • See the northern lights
  • Create a product that changes the world
  • Kite surf in the ocean
  • Drink Kopi luwak Coffee
  • Produce a successful movie.
  • Cross Myanmar into Bangladesh
  • Cross the Gulf of Oman
  • Rock Climb a sheer rock face
  • Spend the night on a sheer mountain side.
  • Stand next to the monument at Rio, Brazil
  • Take part in the Carnival
  • Swim with sea lions
  • Visit the Galápagos Islands
  • See the stone faces on Easter Island
  • Make Friends with an Elephant
  • Spearfish and eat my prey
  • Learn how to surf
  • Start a fire without matches
  • Sit on top of the tallest building/world
  • Visit Richard Branson
  • Read/Listen to 1,000 books

Help Support the tour

This is my carrer and lifestyle.  I produce content for others to learn about the world, enjoy a story and maybe become inspired themselves.  I do this all because I love it, but it takes a lot of time and energy.  If you appreciate it enough to donate or contribue, there are a few ways you can help!

Friends of the Tour